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Date   : Mon, 11 Apr 2005 00:38:24 +0100 (BST)
From   : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: FW: BBC to VGA Video In/Out

On Apr 10 2005, 21:29, John wrote:

> So if I read you correctly gentlemen, it shouldn't matter how big or
> cheap the TV is - it should still be clearly legible when using an
> to TV Scart lead on the BBC providing you limit the voltage?

If everything else matches, yes.  I suppose it's conceivable that one
could have a problem with the sync, but if your picture is stable, you
presumably don't.

> Presumably I can take the scart plug apart and just solder on the
> Resistors - can't for the life of me remember the numbers though (you
> never forget the colours given the phrases!)
> Black
> Brown
> Red
> Orange
> Yellow
> Green
> Blue
> Violet
> Grey
> White is it...? Anyone care to remind me what the sequence should be
for 150
> ohms?

You have the right colours in the right order, black is zero, white is
nine, first two stripes are digits, next is multiplier (ten to the
power of X), finally you get the tolerance (%age: no band is 20%,
silver is 10%, gold is 5%, red is 2%, brown is 1%).  Except for
high-tolerance resistors which occasionally have an extra digit.

So 150 ohms is brown, green, brown, then a tolerance -- you needn't be
very precise for this application.  You needn't worry about power
rating either; 3V dropped across 150R gives 9/150 = 0.06W, so even
miniature 1/10W resistors should be fine.

> Do I need to dig out one of those horrible text diagrams of a scart
plug to
> work out which pins to damp down?


Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York

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