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Date   : Mon, 28 Mar 2005 16:34:07 +0100 (BST)
From   : Chris Johns <chris.johns@...>
Subject: Free: Clock Boxes and hard disc

Spring clearout time, and with a house-move looming, it's time to get rid
of some clutter.

I have two Acorn clock boxes (one old, grey one and one newer black one)
spare, if anyone wants them give me a shout. I've lost the PSUs for both
of them, The grey one requires 8V DC and the black one 12V AC (it might
work with DC too). As such, both are untested. The PCB is also loose in
the black one (the things that stuck it to the case aren't there anymore).

I also have a 240(ish) meg SCSI disc that's suitable for an MDFS. It's
been sitting around for a while, so I'll check it's still working before I
send it). It's attached to a hacked up bracket system to allow it to fit
in an MDFS "slice" ... and

I also have an empty MDFS "slice" - it was used for a tape streamer (which
has since been binned) so it takes its power from the MDFS itself. The
above disk does work in it, but I'm not sure the MDFS PSU was designed to
run like that.

I'm not sure what else I'll turn up that I need to get rid of - some of it
might be heading to eBay, if I think it'll fetch more than 99p :)

Any takers, before I chuck them in the bin?



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