Date : Tue, 15 Mar 2005 22:12:24 +0000
From : Tim Fardell <tim.fardell@...>
Subject: Re: Beebem question / game copyright question
Jules Richardson wrote:
> Don't ask me :) I'm just going on what they've said to me, and I assume
> their tech guys know what they're doing.
I wouldn't be too sure about that ;-)
> I suppose they have gadgets that'll *guarantee* there are no flicker
> problems, but they probably only have a VGA plug at one end and a socket
> at the other. Probably such gadgets are only designed to work at a
> modern range of video frequencies though, so even of someone wired up
> the right cable, it still wouldn't work.
> Just a guess. Personally I'd much rather they used the real thing (not
> like we've have trouble supplying them with a 100% reliable machine!)
> but what the hey...
Yep, I guess they have all sorts of jiggery-pokery to eliminate flicker,
but it
just seems like a waste of effort when they could use the real thing :-)
I guess they've just spent a lot of money on the aforementioned wizzo gadget,
so they need to use it :-)