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Date   : Tue, 15 Mar 2005 19:18:39 +0000
From   : "Brian Jones" <ninsei0@...>
Subject: Re: Beebem question / game copyright question

I would very wary on taking legal advice from someone who may not know what 
they are talking about.

>From: Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
>To: bbc-micro@...
>Subject: [BBC-Micro] Beebem question / game copyright question
>Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 13:20:23 +0000
>I've just been contacted by a UK TV company who want to show someone
>playing an old game on classic hardware.
>For various reasons (screen sync being the main one) it'll be rigged,
>with a machine behind the scenes running XP and driving an old monitor.
>(I've tried to talk them into running the real thing! :-)
>BBC emulation seems like a good choice when it comes to retro looks...
>(Speccy's a bit clunky, and I don't like C64s ;)
>   a) Can BeebEm run full-screen under XP without any modern Windows
>borders etc.?  (I'd try that myself if I have a Windows machine here :)
>   b) Copyright issues on classic games. Running one of the "greats" on
>the emulator would seem like a good choice - something like Repton,
>Manic Miner, Citadel etc.   Issue there is copyright. Are any of these
>out of copyright, or if not does anyone have contact details for the
>relevant people in order to get permission? Doing things legally is
>obviously a priority when it comes to TV...
>   c) Of course buying a copy of the original media would also presumably
>cover these people when making a disk image of the media to run on an
>emulator. Which begs the question; is anyone still selling the media
>other than the stuff found in a cupboard that appears on EBay?

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