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Date   : Fri, 04 Mar 2005 20:49:09 +0000 (GMT)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: Re: The importance of GoMMC (oops - delete previous copy)

I was hoping not to have to post about this on the list again since the
truth seems to annoy so many people.  Since Brian you decided to
publicly diss me, I must publicly defend myself.  I'm sorry you think
this is all trolling and flaming.  I suggest you (not exclusively)
trawl through the archives and read again, and perhaps you'll find this
was no more than an attempt to get collective co-operation to resolve
the issue of haves and have-nots in a more dynamic way.  Whether or not
people play ball and are willing to put in extra effort other than
sharing expertise I've yet to see.  But I will not continue pursuing
this road otherwise.  If you cannot understand that past your own
prejudice, then that's not my problem.

I don't plan to post much more about this on any other than the GoMMC
forum on the 8BS Web site.  This will be wound down here very soon.  So
if you want to continue slanging me, then do this there and don't
destroy this list with GoMMC stuff when already there are two seperate
forums for this already, people I appreciate want to save this for
other issues.  If you wish, you can go there and cast your poll on the
GoMMC thang.  Otherwise, shut the hell up, and I'll still understand.


--- Brian Jones <ninsei0@...> wrote:
> I have been a member of this list for some years and have enjoyed
> sensible 
> and reasonable discussions on the BBC Micro which tend to prevail.
> Indeed I 
> have been active in this list in the past and contributed to this
> group 
> through the development amd release of BBC Connect.
> However, I am unimpressed by what appears to to be persistent
> attempts to 
> get a rise from members of this list. This looks, feels and smells
> like 
> trolling and flaming. My advice is - buy or don't buy the bl**dy
> thing, move 
> on and stop spamming this newsgroup with this cr*p.
> Brian
> >From: "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
> >To: bbc-micro@...
> >Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Re: The importance of GoMMC (oops  - delete
> >previous copy)
> >Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 15:56:58 -0800 (PST)
> >
> <snip, snip, snip...>
> >Silence is not acceptance.  I'm trying to break the silence.  Just
> read
> >what I said carefully in my mail  - this is not a John Kortink
> trolling
> >session.  Forget about him for now.  What are WE going to do?  You
> >either want the market to survive or you are too resigned to it's
> >demise, it's as simple as that.  I'm not resigned to it's demise. 
> I'm
> >sure some others aren't and are on the list.
> <snip, snip, snip...>Fiaz.
> >
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