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Date   : Sun, 27 Feb 2005 14:54:49 -0800 (PST)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: Re: The importance of GoMMC (This is not an anti-JK campaign!)

I want to put an end to this as much as you Darren Grant, the only one
who showed me some respect (thank you), those who even agreed with and
backed me (thank you), and those five of you who got on you high horses
and started accusing me of running an anti-JK campaign and dissing his
work, including those who didn't back me.  The high-horse gang, it is
YOU that aren't reading my mails properly and making assumptions, not
me.  Let me summarize in short:

- I had a problem with a way JK was running the GoMMC scene even before
buying the kit and d'loading the code.  I've looked past the price
issue already after getting answers on this.
- I was hoping that someone would help me get some answers out of him
about after he shut some of us out.  But he probably has took himself
off this list now.  I am looking past that now.
- The high-horse gang start making accusations and assumptions of a
hate-spam campaign against JK which THIS IS NOT.  The more the
accusations come, the more I have to write in defense... this is a BBC
list and so why is this spam?

WHY AM I DOING THIS?  Because this is about an opportunity we don't
are WE to do now.  I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING YET TO ENGINEER, but some
already do and are on the list.  For the last time, I PROMISE, let's
have a POLL on who wants to start working together and moving forward
with solutions with the kit and code and sharing resources reply 'VERY
MUCH SO' (yes Darren, that open project) and those are resigned to not
doing so and letting the market die reply 'NOT BOTHERED'.

I vote 'VERY MUCH SO' and will do whatever to encourage others
likewise.  Just 2-3 words of reply now.  I'll give a week or two for
everyone to participate unless someone wants to keep having a slanging
match.  I don't.

Thank you,

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