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Date   : Sat, 26 Feb 2005 05:02:27 -0800 (PST)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: Re: The importance of GoMMC

-- Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...> wrote:

> On Sun 13 Feb, F. Haroon wrote:
> > How long have you been on this list?
> > Do I not have a right to raise an objection to t he way John
> Kortink has
> > been handling things? 
> Seems reasonable, but a habit of repeating yourself more than
> useful...

Repeating myself?  I don't think I've repeated myself enough!!

> and fall back on your assumptions from your thump(s) again, is  not
> the
> best way of communications, as several people have tried to tell tou.
> I did
> my best to tell you the same with other words. No one seems to get
> through.

I am not making assumptions  - I am just trying confirm from that I
have been seeing from the list so far of people talking so much about
wanting extra storage.  I have no idea how many people managed to take
advantage of Kortink's brief offer on GoMMC's.  No-one has tried to
tell me anything about my communications.  Quite a few have agreed with
me.  Clearly, some of us have taken advantage, some of us like myself
are being shut out of the whole scene.  How many people really are
interested in GoMMC to encourage whoever has the kit to share out the
design schematics be it John or anyone who bought it, so that any one
of us can then start expanding on it perhaps, and continue production
if John does not want to produce any more?

John, I really want to know, are you really wanting any more customers
for your kit and if so, why are you shutting us out?  Ultimately, what
loss is it to you if you didn't digitize copies of the design on-line
so we can continue to keep alive this wonderful machine?  Do your
realize what you are doing is a waste, and is causing some
strangulation on the very small market.  You say that what you do is
non-profit, but you are acting worse than some profiteers.  What harm
can there be in levelling with us on communications instead of me
having to send you ten e-mails to get an answer?

C'mon, let's see how many real enthusiasts we have here on this list!!!
 Let's have some answers, let's have a debate.  :-)


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