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Date   : Mon, 31 Jan 2005 21:17:44 -0000
From   : "A.J.Davis" <mail@...>
Subject: Re: The importance of GoMMC

I'm what you might call a 'disgruntled customer' who was banned from his
list and all support.

My 'crime'? I made two PRIVATE complaints - first, that the software could
be provided in a more user friendly delivery system (ie a disk image) and
second, that he could have warned me that the Dabs Press MOS+ ROM corrupted
the memory of my GoMMC. I wated six hours trying to get my GoMMC to work
before he told me.

Since then he has barred me all support.  I believe he has threatened to cut
off support for any other GoMMC owner who talks to me and has also said that
if I ever sell my unit, the new owner will also be barred from any support.

There have been a number of other users he has fallen foul of.  

Andy Davis.

-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of F.
Sent: 30 January 2005 22:27
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Re: The importance of GoMMC

That's great, we could do this.  But will he appreciate it?  He just purged
half the members from his mailing list whom were potential customers like
myself.  I may not be a customer already but I'd still like to know what
goes on in the GoMMC scene before I come to order it.
 We have to be part of it to then contribute.


--- Raf <rafg1@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I often wonder if we truly realise how lucky we are to have John 
> Kortink developing GoMMC for us, making a great leap for us all to 
> more modern computing.
> I believe that we all should support him in some concrete way, so as 
> to enable him to develop GoMMC to its Maximum capacity, with some 
> degree of ease.
> Yesterday, I donated a bank cheque for 150.00 Euros to him (as well as 
> a little gift). Give what you can afford, or whatever he may need.
> If we all helped, I believe that we would enable him to develop a 
> better product. I know it's just a hobby - but boy what a hobby! At 
> the level of version 0.62 it is incredibly good. Try it if you have 
> not already done so and you will see why I am so impressed.
>  Best wishes, Raf  Giaccio

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