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Date   : Mon, 24 Jan 2005 19:23:26 -0000
From   : "Charles Blackburn" <charlesb@...>
Subject: Re: Need Help Identifying Parts Of My BBC Catalogue (LONG)

Well thnx mike that worked. After a bit of messing around, (the dfs 1.20
eprom worked then it didn=92t etc) I now have a setup with the following
roms in it:

Basic 1.20 (derr)
DFS 0.90
Torch MCP 0.41

The z80 card already had a cccp eprom in it, still got the torch label
on it albeit a bit rubbed :D

Now the question is... What can I get it to do? :D

The other question is, I forget how to get the video out port (the bnc
one) into colour on the damned machine :D any ideas stupid question I
know :D

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Tomlinson [mailto:mike@...] 
Sent: 24 January 2005 18:13
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Need Help Identifying Parts Of My BBC Catalogue


>I would love to get the Z80 co processor working and I am assuming it's

>a torch version as per the eproms, but I have no other software for it.

You don't need it.  If it's a Torch, plug the card into the Tube socket
on the BBC B. (If you don't have a 40 pin cable, use an IDE cable from a
PC).  You'll need a BBC with 8271 DFS. 

Plug the MCP 0.41 ROM into a spare ROM socket in the BBC.  If the CCCP
ROM is missing from the Torch card, plug it in (you listed it above.)

Turn the machine on.  If it boots into BASIC, type *MCP to start the
Torch.  Without a disk drive connected, there'll be a delay, then you
should see


Type HELP to get started.

If the Z80 card is faulty, you'll see a repeating "No Z80!" message.

.sigmonster on vacation

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