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Date   : Mon, 24 Jan 2005 16:13:56 -0000
From   : "Charles Blackburn" <charlesb@...>
Subject: Re: Need Help Identifying Parts Of My BBC Catalogue(LONG)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jules Richardson [mailto:julesrichardsonuk@...] 
Sent: 24 January 2005 15:27
To: Charles Blackburn
Cc: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Need Help Identifying Parts Of My BBC

On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 14:34 +0000, Charles Blackburn wrote:
>> Also A Whole Heap of schematics
>Hmm, define 'heap' :-) Seriously, it's worth seeing what you has as
there might be something useful (I've got the ones
>for the Torch 68k board for instance, but I'm still looking for the Z80
I've just gone through the schematics that I have and it look slike they
are for the main bbc B although that was just a quick flick through.
Some are A4 and some are A3 I'll have a propper look l8r.

> Other Chips
> These are various chips I have too, I'm not sure what some of these 
> are, mayb you can tell me:

Going from memory here!:

>> Hitachi 8627 - HM6264LP-15 - UO422880 (2 off)
>Sounds like memory - large or small chips? Smaller ones are *usually*
DRAMs and larger SRAM found in old 80's micros.
Large chips - 28pin DIP

>> F68B54P - 8313 - Phillipines
>Econet IIRC
Hmm interesting :D

>http://www.datasheetarchive.com is a very good (free) resource for
datasheets by the way.
Thnx I'll bookmark that 1

>> I would love to get the Z80 co processor working and I am assuming 
>> it's a torch version as per the eproms, but I have no other software 
>> for it. I know  I can prolly get it from 8bs, but does any1 have a 
>> spare disk drive etc that they no longer require and are willing to 
>> part with?
>Torch ones were usually mounted inside the BBC itself, whilst Acorn
ones sat in a typical second processor box. I've 
>definitely got floppies, but not disk images - I'm not sure if they're
a standard BBC format either (i.e. transferrable 
>via Xfer).
>There are two versions of the Torch copro - standard with just a Z80
CPU, and then the 'Tosca' board that has a high 
>speed serial interface local to the Z80's bus. The latter seem to be
horribly rare (it's possible they were only sold 
>with Torch machines that used the BBC as I/O, rather than being sold as
an addition to the BBC)

Well thnx for that jules, the z80 bord I have has got the follow ic's on

Z80, mitsubishi 83160 - M5L8255AP (uart iirc) - R6522AP (PIO?) and
various other logic chips


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