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Date   : Mon, 24 Jan 2005 14:34:05 -0000
From   : "Charles Blackburn" <charlesb@...>
Subject: Need Help Identifying Parts Of My BBC Catalogue (LONG)

Hi all

I'm just going through stuff that I've picked up a few months back that
someone on this list was getting rid of, and I'm just getting around to
catalogue them. I'm writing this email to let you guys know if there's
anything you want copies of (software wise) etc, they are all tapes I
don=92t have a disk drive yet (unless sum1 wants to donate :D) so if you
want a copy of the software I can easily rip it into wav format or
whatever. It's also easy way for me to keep a track of what I have :D

Currently I have got:-

The Welcome Pack - tape and booklet still in original box
The BBC User Manual
BBC Advanced User Guide
BBC Advanced Basic ROM User Guide
"A Hardware Guide for the BBC - Wise Owl Productions"
"Beyond Basic - 6502 Assembly Language Programming for the bbc - Richard
"Structured Basic - A Guide to good programming style for the BBC -
Richard Freeman"
"Advanced Programming Techniques for the BBC - Jim McGregor & Alan Watt"
"Better BASIC For your electron - Jim McGregor & Alan Watt"
"Graphics Programming on your electron - Jim McGregor & Alan Watt"
"30 Hour Basic - Standard Edition - Clive Prigmore"
"Creative Graphics on the BBC - John Cownie"
"Programming for education - John Scriven & Patrick Hall"
"LISP on the BBC = Arthur norman & Gillian Cattel"
"FORTH on the BBC = Richard De Grandis-Harrison"
"The 2nd Book of listings - Martin Bryant"
"Programming the BBC Micro - Peter Williams"
Also A Whole Heap of schematics

"Shivas First maths Program - Sets and Operators"
"ELITE for the BBC - in the box manuals and all" - My fave btw....
"Turtle Graphics for the Electron - Boxed with manual"
"FORTH for the electron - Boxed"
"LISP for the electron - Boxed"
"BOXER for the electron - Boxed"
"Acornsoft - Draughts and Reversi - Boxed with manual"
"Acornsoft Creative Graphics to accompany above book of the same title"
"Acornsoft Meteors - Boxed"
"Acornsoft Tree of knowledge - Boxed with manual"
"Acornsoft Chess - Boxed with manual"
"Acornsoft Countdown to doom - boxed with HINTS AND ANSWERS - open only
as a last resort :D"
"Acornsoft Arcade Action - Boxed"
"Acornsoft Rocket Raid - Boxed"

Various tapes:
Alien by Ricochet
Road runner by superior software
Jetpac by ricochet
eddie kidd - jump challenge by ricochet
Starquake by bubble-bus
Krakout by kixx
Golf by blue ribbon
Kane by mastertronic
Airline by strategy games
mini-office from "The Micro User Magazine"
Education Special VOL 1-1 and VOL 2 from "The Micro User Magazine"
AWARI "unknown but label says Free with home computer advanced course
CHAMP "unknown but label says Free with home computer advanced course

Various Non descript tapes one says trex on it if that's any help to you
guys in identifying it

Now I have various roms some have labels some don=92t. I'll only list
ones with labels on here and I will list EXACTLY what the label says:

DF 1.20
ECODE 22.4.86 - ECODE £ Aug 86
ZPEPX 1-0 AUG 86
Torch CPN Z80 - CCCP V0.90
EXMON 1984
View 2.1 1990
TORC/BBC MCP v0.41 - 1990
ABROM Software
Acorn DF v0.9

Other Chips
These are various chips I have too, I'm not sure what some of these are,
mayb you can tell me:
Hitachi 8313 - HN613128PB05 (c) Acorn
Hitachi 8322 - HN613128PB04 (c) Acorn
Hitachi 8317 - HM613128PB04 (c) Acorn
Hitachi 8627 - HM6264LP-15 - UO422880 (2 off)
SAA 5050
Ferranti ULA 5C094E-8 - 8301 
TI TMS5220NL - DEP 8319
6502 CPU (obvious :D) - 2 off
8616 - EF6850P
F6850 - 8307 - Singapore
F68B54P - 8313 - Phillipines
Motorola MC6850P - M6L8135
Various TI TMS4164-15NL, hitachi HM 4864P-2 (I am assuming these are
SRAM chips)
Hitachi 3D1 - HD46505SP - HD6845SP
R6522POI (6522-31)
8325 - SY6522 (same as above I assume just a diff make)
Numerous Hitachi HM6116P-3's

Now the good stuff


2 analogue port joysticks made by LVL
Z80A 2nd processor (+ ROMS)

Now this is the interesting bit. I'll post links to the pictures up on
my site maybe sum1 can help me identify them
I have put short notes on the page to help with what I think they are
Hopefully someone can reply to this message and c me directly with more

I would love to get the Z80 co processor working and I am assuming it's
a torch version as per the eproms, but I have no other software for it.
I know  I can prolly get it from 8bs, but does any1 have a spare disk
drive etc that they no longer require and are willing to part with?

Any help would be appreciated.


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