Date : Wed, 19 Jan 2005 01:52:16 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Sorry! I mean Games / Demos with " Music 500" synth not
> Message-ID: <41EAF6E2.2050803@...>
"Victor R." <vic800r@...> wrote:
> Does someone know theGame / Demo titles natively utilizing "Music 500"
> features?
> Could you please mention some. Is there any game where you have a choise
> either to play it with the BBC onboard synth or with the "Music 500"
> synth pluged in.
As long as the games uses the standard OSWORD 7 (SOUND) call to
make sounds, then my *MIDIon command will redirect the sound to a
MIDI port ( Use
*MIDIon 08 for the Ample system. It's wierd playing Repton with
the music coming out of my Casio :)
I don't know of any games that use the synth, but depending on how
accessible the control is a compliment to *MIDIon could be written
to redirect SOUND commands to the synth.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
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