Date : Sun, 09 Jan 2005 14:01:38 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Emulated Beebs, Econet and suchlike
> Message-ID: <>
Rob <robert@...> wrote:
> Having no room whatsoever on my desk to squeeze in my BBC micro collection,
> I've been trying for some time to find an emulator that I can use
> instead. The tricky bit is that the main pieces of software I want to run
> are multi-user econet based things, and I've not yet come across an
> emulator that supports econet.
What platform do you want to emulate the BBC on? It's a small job
to modify BBC emulators for RISC OS to do something sensible with
Ecoent access. It's harder on emulators for other platforms,
unless you have access to the source and the required tools to
build it.
> It would seem that using AUN as the transport for an emulated econet
> interface would allow the emulated machine to actually communicate with
> real machines, should one have one, which would be totally freaky (and no
> doubt simplify file transfer issues too!)
When I was in Hong Kong I ran a mixed Econet/Ethernet network
linking BBCs, Archimedeseseses, PCs and UNIX systems all accessing
Econet fileservers and UNIX fileservers. See
> I looked at adding econet support to one of the emulatord myself, but as at
> present I can't seem to conjure up an environment where I can actually
> compile any of those that let one download the source, and my C skills are
I'm slightly annoyed that BeebEm is written in C++ rather than
ordinary C.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
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