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Date   : Tue, 04 Jan 2005 13:00:29 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Barry Whyte <baz_whyte@...>
Subject: Re: Acornsoft Creative Sound



Many thanks for the disc images. I will transfer them
tonight. I made up the serial cable and have been
using xfer to get them across to the Beeb. Got hold of
a GoMMC from John, and slowly building up the software
on it. Many thanks again.


Hardware wise, I have most of what I was looking for,
a Model B with 1770 DFS, WE ROM/RAM board and 6502 2nd
Processor. Plus a couple of disc drives.

If there any interesting utlity ROMs, then let me
know. Otherwise the only thing I may be interested in
would be a double Cumana disc drive, 40/80T (the one
with the grey plastic front (rather than black))

Anyway, thanks again, and Happy New Year to everyone.


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Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Acornsoft Creative Sound
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Hi Barry,

Welcome back to the BBC Micro world :)

The attached Zip file has the two disc images. They are 80-track single 
sided standard DFS, and you'll need some way to get them onto 5.25" 

Once you get there, might I recommend the programs "TUBELLS" and 
"TLORDS" from disc 2. Proof that 8-bit hardware can make some damn fine 
sounds :)

-- Richard

[attachment removed for list posting]

Barry Whyte wrote:

>Hi all, first post.
>As a kid I cut my programming teeth on a Model B, and
>had years of fun with it. Stupidly we sold it in the
>early 90's to make way for our 386SX PC.
>Anyway, I've been re-acquiring the hardware and
>software to rebuild my collection.
>One of the things I recently got off ebay was a sealed
>version of Acornsoft's Creative Sound. The discs
>however have not survived the years and have bad
>sectors all over them.
>I've looked in all the usual archives but cannot find
>disc images for Creative Sound anywhere.
>Wonder if anybody has a copy and would be kind enough
>to supply disc images.
>Many thanks,
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