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Date   : Tue, 30 Nov 2004 19:12:29 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: ...at line ___

In article <Marcel-1.53-1130164830-1cbzokP@...>,
   Andrew W <a.weston2@...> wrote:
> >
> > You don't need the JMP and you can remove "LDY&72" from the end of the
> > previous section.
> > 
> Thanks -  it seems to be the JMP and LDY&72 that were causing it to fail
> although I don't understand why as when I remove them the code works.
> It's basically a simple word-wrap that scans a section of text for
> characters at the end of the line and if there are characters there it
> sets a flag (&76) and calls another section of machine code to add
> spaces at the last known space on the line and repeats this process
> until there are no characters at the end of the line.
> (tx5% is the text buffer which hold ASCII that has just been
> decompressed).

There's a wordwrap program ("Wrap") at

I'm highly suspicious that deleting the JMPs has fixed the problem, but as
you've only ever supplied a few snippets of the larger problem it's hard to
see if something like a DIM is wrong,

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