Date : Sun, 28 Nov 2004 12:12:35 EST
From : RWAPSoftware@...
Subject: Re: Printers
In a message dated 28/11/2004 15:47:20 GMT Standard Time,
a.weston2@... writes:
That's atrocious thow isn't it? I mean changing the 'standard' port
from parallel to USB is one thing but making Windows the only OS
supported is another!
Both is atrocious when you consider the number of people who use non-Windows
computers and even the amount of industrial machinery which is designed to
have a printer attached - normally through a parallel port and normally
sending ASCII direct to the port.
I have had to source a replacement inkjet printer for a Jaguar dealership
for heavens sake - they needed it to connect to their MOT testing machine.
Even the people who make the MOT testing machine could not find a new inkjet
printer which they could use with it other than the A3 one I have mentioned
it sent EPSON control codes as well).
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