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Date   : Sun, 14 Nov 2004 10:19:39 -0000
From   : "Dom Wright" <domwright@...>
Subject: Re: CD tape data?!

From: "Andrew W" <a.weston2@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 4:10 PM
Subject: [BBC-Micro] CD tape data?!

> Somebody raised the possibility the other day of recording tape sound
> files to CD. Would these be loadable via the standard tape cables to
> the BBC or has anybody done it?

I've done it.  I did have a BBC B Welcome CD image somewhere, each
program was a seperate track on the CD.

I wrote a prog in BBC Basic-86 which generates a windows .wav file
from a file, which could then be recorded to CD as normal.  I used
it to transfer downloaded software from my PC to a Beeb when I didn't
have a cable.

The sample rate of the wav file was a bit low (otherwise I got massive
files) and it did sometimes get a bit distorted.

I also tried something that would read a sampled wav file and convert
it back to data.

I was getting close to motor control by hacking apart a CD player and
hooking the motor relay to the pause button (would have to be rising
and falling edge triggered though)

If anyone's interested I'll see if I can find any of it.

Dom Wright

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