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Date   : Fri, 12 Nov 2004 09:52:41 +0000
From   : Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
Subject: Re: SRAM

Andrew W wrote on 11/11/2004 16:37:33:

> So I assume Exile would prior to this somehow test 'sockets' 0-D(?) to
> see where the SRAM was located?

Yeah, it probably does something a bit like:

SEI         \ disable interrupts to stop the OS from changing the ROM bank
LDX #15     \ start at bank 15
STX &FE30   \ enable bank X
LDY &8000   \ load Y with ?&8000
INC &8000   \ increment ?&8000
INY         \ increment Y
CPY &8000   \ and compare it with the memory we tried to increment
BEQ foundram      \ if equal, we have found SRAM
BPL loop    \ try next bank

\ if we got here, there is no SRAM

\ if we got here, we have the SRAM bank in X, and it is still paged in

Maybe it does something a little more clever to notice 8k/12k RAM as well
(which is of course no good), and if it was written well it might even try
to skip over SRAM with a valid ROM image in it...

> I see, this is what I was beginning to suspect. So it can use virtually
> all of the 32K for the game/screen including much of below PAGE?
> Fascinating stuff :-)

Yeah, one of the first things it does is copies itself to &100 and above.
There is actually executable code over most of the stack area, the vector
table (excluding the IRQ1 vector), the OS/VDU workspace (excluding the jump
table for the BREAK key, and the byte that represents *FX200), the NMI
workspace, and right up to the beginning of the screen at either &4000 or
&6000.  Not a byte wasted for sure!

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