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Date   : Mon, 25 Oct 2004 20:27:32 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Cumana 68008 second processor & OS-9/68000?

On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 20:23 +0100, tom@... wrote:
> There was a 68008 copro available, or at least I remember seeing one 
> reviewed in The Micro User. I think, though, it might just have been 
> the Casper 68000 mentioned here:
>     http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/themicrouser/TMUIndex/TMU05-01.htm
> I did a quick web search to see if the review had been OCRed, to 
> check. 

Ahh, I should have that issue in the loft - I've got a complete set of
TMU (rescued to save them from landfill rather than any desire to
actually own them!). I'll motivate myself to fetch the ladder and go
find it in a mo...

Be interesting to see how it compares to the two that Torch released.

> Google couldn't find anything like that, but it did find this, 
> which is unenlightening to this English-speaker but looks like 
> something similar, and for sale to the highest bidder!
>     http://www.marktplaats.nl/markt/hardware/acorn/686.htm

That sounds exactly like the critter (except it's officially SASI, not
SCSI according to the flyer I have).
> And here's a chap who has one, or at least used to:
>     http://lists.gllug.org.uk/pipermail/gllug/2001-October/014953.html

Aha, so at least two made it into the wild! I suppose with them being
internal there'd be no obvious sign that the host BBC was anything
unusual and likely several have been binned inside machines over the

I can't find a current contact via google for that Steve chap
unfortunately; it'd be nice to get some pictures (the flyer I've got is
text only)

ta for doing some digging around!



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