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Date   : Thu, 21 Oct 2004 19:56:45 +0100
From   : "Tim Matthews" <tim.matthews@...>
Subject: RE:Prophets...?! was re:  pictures/32016/old posts

I never heard of the Prophet machines before!
Were they a 'missing-link' between the Atom and Beeb?

Anyone fill me in on what i've been missing?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] 
> On Behalf Of Jules Richardson
> Sent: 21 October 2004 16:50
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] pictures/32016/old posts
> On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 14:32 +0000, W.Scholten wrote:
> > Note the Atom section only contains the lesser known 
> machines Prophet2 
> > & 3.
> I'm still keeping an eye out for a Prophet machine; I only 
> know of one here in the UK. Not exactly common systems!
> > I'll also put up 32016 disk images I got from M.T. soon 
> with some BBC 
> > basic benchmarks of the 6MHz version.
> Yay! :)
> >  I don't suppose anyone has 10MHz CPUs and FP copro's?
> Hmm. No to the copro's. I've not checked the speed though 
> (one copro went to the museum, I've got a couple - one dead - 
> and I've still got another one sitting in a pile of bits 
> destined for a collector down south).
> Do you know what differences in parts there were to support 
> 10MHz and FP? (i.e. were the DRAM speeds different etc.)
> I've got a couple of Whitechapel MG-1's at the museum which 
> are pretty much beyond repair (they'll be spares for an MG-1 
> I'm expecting near Christmas). They use the 32016, at 8MHz I 
> *think*, but I'd have to check. I'm pretty sure they've got 
> floating-point support hardware (certainly several 
> 32016-series chips, although one's doubtless an MMU). If it's 
> pretty much a clock change and CPU swap for the higher speed 
> I might give that a go with one of the copros sometime.
> Incidentally, I never have found out why there seem to be 
> issue H and issue 2 32016 copros out there. There's no 
> obvious difference between the two expect for the decoupling 
> caps used for the ICs. Why one issue was based on a number 
> and another a letter, I have no idea. Unless the CPU speed's 
> different on one vs. the other, I'll have to go back and look now!
> > Can't say much more as I don't have
> > any docs. Anyone have some spare PanOS/32016 manuals? What about an 

> > assembler manual?
> I'd like 'real' copies myself - fat chance of finding any, 
> though. Scanned versions are well on the way, though! *looks 
> at nobody in
> particular*
> cheers
> Jules

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