Date : Thu, 21 Oct 2004 16:29:54 +0100
From : Ben Newsam <ben@...>
Subject: Re: tape formats etc.
In message <4177CAA7.2F1CF0FB@...>, W.Scholten <>
>[ -> now we know why Acornsoft games were more expensive, they were
>playing games most of the time in the packing dept. so labour costs
>there were huge ;-) ]
I visited Acornsoft once, and there was a bloke playing with a video
camera to capture primitive pictures on a Beeb, and was playing with
some machine code to "enhance" it a bit (fat hope really, with only 16
colours to play with). When the boss appeared, he stopped guiltily and
went back to what he was supposed to be doing: playing Hopper! He was in
fact playing Hopper for the Electron on a Beeb with a second processor,
and I saw some of the underlying scripting language that they used for
such games. This was at a time when second processors were like gold
dust, so when someone entered the room dangling a circuit board on a bit
of ribbon cable and said "Anyone want a second processor?", he was
nearly mobbed. Heh heh.
Ben Newsam