Date : Mon, 04 Oct 2004 12:14:29 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Load and execution
> Message-ID: <Marcel-1.53-1003184724-1cbzokP@...>
Andrew W <a.weston2@...> wrote:
> Did DFS require load and execution addresses for files on disc? How
> were they stored, via a disc map?
DFS itself does not require load and execution addresses - it just stores
what it is given. Software that loads the files may use the load and
execution addresses.
DFS Sector 0 contains the list of files on the DFS disk:
00-07: Disk title first 8 characters
08-0E: First filename
0F : First filename's directory, b7=locked
10-16: Second filename
17 : Second filename's directory, b7=locked
DFS Sector 1 contains the files' information:
00: Disk title final 4 characters
04: Catlogue cycle (number of times disk has been written to)
05: 8*<number of files>
06: b7-b6: unused
b5-b4: *OPT 4 value
b3-b0: Disk size in sectors b8-b11
07: Disk size in sectors b0-b7
08-09: First file load address b0-b15
0A-0B: First file exec address b0-b15
0C-0D: First file length b0-b15
0E : b7-b6: First file execute address b16-b17
b5-b4: First file length b16-b17
b3-b2: First file load address b16-b17
b1-b0: First file start sector b8-b9
0F : First file start sector b0-b7
Some DFSs use the unused bits to extend the catalogue, eg, HDFS to specify
subdirectories and WDFS to allow files larger than &3FFFF bytes long.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
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