Date : Wed, 29 Sep 2004 16:08:36 +1200 (NZST)
From : Bill Keesing <zz9pluralzalpha@...>
Subject: FW: BBC Master Compact cabling info
I have just acquired a BBC Master which, upon opening has only 3 ROMs.
One is the Mega 3 Interword/Sheet/Graph rom, another one is labeled ANFS
which I assume is the network filing system rom as the box is fitted with
Econet and a ROM in the frontmost socket (IC49) with a sticker that reads
Could someone please elighten me as to what this ROM is.
I can see a WD1772 chip just below the disc interface so I am assuming
the machine is ready to take a disc drive. All I need is the ADFS ROM, correct?
Unfortunately the Master Compact guide is not available from the BBC documentation
site as the sites hosted on seem
to be missing. If someone has an electronic copy could they please email
them to me. I am after the pinouts for the power supply and the disc interface.