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Date   : Sun, 19 Sep 2004 18:06:40 +0100
From   : "Nick B." <nick@...>
Subject: Re: CEEFAX short story contest

On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 13:24:54 +0000, "Jules Richardson"
> I'm still not sure what was used server-side to construct and hold
> teletext pages either (fro BBC's Ceefax or others); likely a DEC mini of
> some sort - BBC machines for page composition? 

We have an internal teletext service at work (airport) that broadcasts
teletext as baseband video around a CCTV system. I'm not directly
involved with the system these days but from what I recall our original
systems (from 15+ years ago) were manufactured by a company called
Jasmin Electronics (originally Leicester, now Nottingham). IIRC the
latest incarnation is supplied by a company called Tandata.
The Jasmin system comprised a teletext generator which could be updated
by a system running on various IBM aix boxes, originally a 6150 followed
by a RS6000. There was also something called a "frame creation terminal"
which was a mode 7 display and used for designing more graphic pages.

I also recall modifying a Morley teletext decoder in conjunction with a
Beeb to receive TT pages a baseband video from this system, so if you
can find a TT generator around you may be able to get closed broadcast
system up & running either as baseband video or in conjunction with a
UHF modulator and distribution system.

Nick B.

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