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Date   : Tue, 24 Aug 2004 16:02:42 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Scans so far...

OK, I'm almost organised with these scans, finally - just doing some
last-minute clearing up. I've got things down to a much more manageable
2.3GB after a light filter on all the greyscale images. 

Current list as follows (in the random order that 'du' output just gave

System Era:
  System 1 manual
  System schematics (complete Acorn series boards I believe - anyone got
schematics or info on any 3rd party boards?)
  System 6502 board manual

6502 Coprocessor:
  Service manual
  Pricing info
  Test procedure

Business Computer range:
  Promotional material
  Software pricelist
  Software catalogue
  Magazine cover scan
  PanOS Technical Reference (provisional and incomplete, but better than

  Service manual
  Various advertising flyers (6502/Z80, disk, teletext, speech)

  Advertising stuff
  Test info
  Hardware and service centre upgrade info


Master 128:
  Service manual

Master Compact:
  Service manual

  Technical info 

Prestel Adapter:
  Service manual
  Test manual

Z80 Coprocessor:
  Service manual
  Test manual

Domesday System:
  AIV user guide

X25 Gateway:
  Manager's guide
  User guide
  Technical summary

Acorn Information File:
  Lots in here (the contents run to ten pages) covering publicity and
technical info, but the top level summaries are as follows:
  Customer service info
  Acorn test equipment
  Atom info
  BBC micro
  Peripherals (disk, bitstick etc.)
  System series

  Winchester service manual
  Schematics for most 8 bit machines, and some of the ARM series I think
  PET manual
  FIT manual
  BBC upgrade path
  BBC MOS notes
  Tube application notes
  1770 disk upgrade info
  Sideways ROM user manual

That's all for the mo. Where scanned copies of things exist on the web
already it may be worth checking the quality, as in some cases I've
scanned things that I knew were out there already but where the
originals were perhaps not in such a good state.

Having said that, some of the things I've scanned were from photocopies
of the originals (the X25 stuff is particularly bad IIRC) and so
eventually someone may be able to run off a better version :)

I'll try and sort out DAT tapes this week to those who said they can
handle them. My DAT drive's sounding like a bag of spanners as I speak
but I do have a spare one somewhere if I can find it! :-)

I've got heaps more stuff in the loft that I need to do when I get a
chance, but I'll make this lot available first...



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