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Date   : Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:37:08 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: eBay object: Acorn Information Volume 1 ( BBC

On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 12:38, Joel Rowbottom wrote:
> At 12:34 16/08/2004, Jules Richardson wrote:
> > > 
> > http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=16166&item=8124636803&rd=1
> >
> >Way ahead of you :) I have it scanned on disk here, 1GB of TIFF images
> >(that's both volumes 1 and 2, not just the volume 1 as on Ebay)
> >I'm just cleaning up all my Acorn scans at present (about 5-6GB or
> >colour / greyscale TIFFs) then they can be put online somewhere,
> >assuming somebody has the room.
> If you can cope with them being JPEGs and want to post me a DVD or a couple 
> of CDs, I can always put them as a huge gallery on Fotopic.net.

Have you got a DAT drive though? Actually, I'm probably getting some
more 9GB SCSI disks in soon, in which case if someone who can host this
has the hardware to hook up an SCA-interface drive, I can just stick a
hard disk in the post...

No DVD writer here, and as I say the CD writer's broken at the mo :-( 

JPEGs aren't good for documentation scans by the way - too risky to use
in case someone (hopefully!) wants to OCR this lot at a later date. They
really need to be kept as TIFFs.

I can probably get a 20-30% reduction in storage space needed if I
adjust the black / white thresholds on the greyscale images - because
some of the source paper was pretty thin there's some text bleed through
from the opposite sides of pages; adjusting the thresholds should get
rid of that and result in better file compression. I just need to pick
the worst-quality page I can find and make sure that the text is still
OCR-able if I do that.

Plus of course some of the stuff I have is already available from others
through sites such as bbcdocs, so there's some things that there's no
point making available!



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