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Date   : Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:34:54 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: eBay object: Acorn Information Volume 1 ( BBC

On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 08:27, Eelco Huininga wrote:
> This looks really interesting. Too bad the price's gone too high for me.
> It would be great if the winner could scan it and put it online somewhere....
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=16166&item=8124636803&rd=1

Way ahead of you :) I have it scanned on disk here, 1GB of TIFF images
(that's both volumes 1 and 2, not just the volume 1 as on Ebay)

I'm just cleaning up all my Acorn scans at present (about 5-6GB or
colour / greyscale TIFFs) then they can be put online somewhere,
assuming somebody has the room. Either the bbcdocs site or the
acornmanuals site (or both) probably make the most sense. Unfortunately
I broke my CD burner though, so posting a DAT tape to someone is
probably the easiest way for me.

Give me a few days and I'll come up with a list of what I have. Some of
it's online already (things like the BBC service manual), but there's
various bits of PET / FIT / Domesday stuff that I haven't seen around
yet, plus all sorts of advertising, service manuals for coprocessors

I even found the manuals for both the Marconi trackerball and the BBC
Buggy the other day, so I'll try and do those too. Plus the service
manual for the Domesday LVROM unit is on the 'to-do' list...



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