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Date   : Fri, 13 Aug 2004 19:27:31 +0100
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: GoMMC is 'go'

At 11:04 13/08/2004, John Kortink wrote:

>On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 09:44:32 +0200 (CEST), carsten@... wrote:
> >Will the GoMMC also work with SD-cards, or only with MMC-cards?
>Only MMC cards.
>John Kortink

Hi all.

I'm new to you all... been lurking a couple of weeks though.  You all seem 
a nice bunch.

This board sounds pretty interesting, but I've obviously missed most of any 
discussion of it's actual capabilities.

Just being a replacement place to store stuff is excellent, however the 
obvious question to me, which I haven't seen answered anywhere, is: After 
being plugged into the GoMMC board, is the MMC card accessible if plugged 
into a standard PC based card reader, for e.g. transfer of files from BBC 
to PC (Windows or *nix) environments (and vice versa)?  This would be the 
killer-app for me if it was - if I could copy some of my old software over 
to run under emulation.

Additionally, can the patched ADFS cope with a winchester disc and the MMC 
card simultaneously, to allow the data to be copied over?

I'm definitely going to have to find some pennies if it can do these - are 
there still some available?



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