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Date   : Fri, 13 Aug 2004 16:36:25 +0100
From   : Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
Subject: Re: Music 500 and Music 5000 hardware diffs?

At 16:25 13/08/2004, Brian Widdas wrote:

> > Anyone know what the hardware differences between the music 500 and
> > music 5000 boxes are? I've just been on a photography spree (seriously
> > considering seeing if the Acorn M4 powers up now!), and found that the
> > boards look identical.
>Pretty much, yeah.
> > However, poking around the web suggests that all the differences between
> > the two may have been in the software side of things anyway?
>If there was any difference, it was something minor like a system version
>number. Probably about as much difference as between the Music 5000 and
>the Music 3000 (which was the 'same again' expansion synthesiser for the
>Music 5000 system).

Didn't the M5000 have an extra capacitor that the M500 didn't have?

The software was *very* different though.

Joel Rowbottom - joel <at> fotopic <dot> net - Head Guy, Fotopic.Net
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