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Date   : Sun, 25 Jul 2004 21:57:32 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Quickchip CAD software... (ACW)

Sort-of BBC related :-) Has anyone come across "Quickchip CAD" software
before? Found lurking on a friend's Cambridge Workstation; runs on the
32016 side of things.

I'm curious as to whether it's worth saving or not - the PanOS install
seems to be missing various files and doesn't always boot properly, so a
reinstall (and possibly new hard disk) might be in order. 

Main reason that it might be worth trying to save is that it's the only
bit of commercial non-Acorn software I've ever come across for the 32016
copro. Unfortunately it dumps back to the shell and won't run at
present, but I don't know if that's because the PanOS install is screwed
or because there's something important been deleted from the Quickchip
install itself... 

(For ACW owners, it was interesting being at the CGE-UK show this
weekend; we ran across one chap who swears he has in the order of ten
disks for the ACW - I think I have seven and thought I had a complete
set; I've never run across anyone with more than that)



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