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Date   : Sat, 10 Jul 2004 18:34:48 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Atomness (Was: Re: BBC Spares)

On Sat, 2004-07-10 at 08:22, Kris Adcock wrote:
> Jules Richardson wrote:
> > 
> > Couple of Atom questions:
> > 
> > a) Did Acorn sell power supplies for Atoms, or were you expected to find
> > your own? I've never actually seen one!
> > 
> I've seen two types of Atom power supply. One was roughly the same shape 
> as a BBC B's, but black and with a short cable with a DC plug on the 
> end. The other was an inline black plastic 'cube' containing the 
> transformer - I had an identically shaped one with my Dragon 32, many 
> moons ago.


I've got a Dragon 32 except the one for that is white, not black. I
can't remember what the Dragon 64 one is like, but digging it all out of
its box would be a pain right now!

> > c) Anyone got an original Atom box or a photo? One of these Atoms is
> I sent some pictures to 8BS of my Atom collection - an original box can 
> be seen in there. Looking at the "See BBC Bits -> Computers" page on 8BS 
> I notice that lots of other people have sent in suitable pictures, too.

Yep, Chris pointed that out too! The box I have is a lot smaller, just
big enough to hold the Atom + potentially a PSU (which I don't have)
plus a few tapes (which I also don't have - the only original Atom
software I have are in much bigger boxes).

The Atom boxes on 8bs look to be the same width, but a lot taller.

The person who the box came from also had another boxed Atom in the same
type of box as this one (which was off to an unknown home) - so this one
isn't just a one-off. I'll ask and see if they know why the boxes are
that way for these machines...



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