Date : Sun, 04 Jul 2004 20:51:01 +0100
From : "Tribick" <ptribick@...>
Subject: Re: BBC ROM Labels
I wrote a Postscript printer driver for View, so you can connect a
Postscript laser printer to your beeb. Alternatively, you can connect your
favourite terminal emulator (eg hyperterminal) to your beeb and capture the
Postscript output and thence convert it to PDF (via Adobe Distiller or
Anyone interested?
Paul Tribick <ptribick@... >
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@... ]
> On Behalf Of Michael Foot
> Sent: 20 June 2004 21:27
> To: Mark Usher
> Cc: mjfoot@... ;
> Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] BBC ROM Labels
> I prefer the labels to be laser printed and dot matrix
> printouts don't last
> either. Do you have a laser printer connected to your beeb
> and a driver for
> View or Interword?
> Mike.
> --
> Michael Foot <mjfoot(at)paradise(dot)net(dot)nz> *
> * Replace letters between () with @ and . when replying