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Date   : Sun, 27 Jun 2004 18:29:27 +0100
From   : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Re: BBC B's and EBay UK...

That does seem a little pricey (ahem). Mind you, I think to a lot of people
who just don't know, the Beeb is a chunk of computing history ( and over 20+
years old) and as rare as hen's teeth so they may think they are getting
something very valuable (visit a few antique fairs to see what I mean -
"it's old so it must be expensive....."). It's not the first time (nor the
last I'll wager) that a beeb sells on Ebay for what seems a silly amount.
Still, we know better ...............don't we?
Colin Hill
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 5:37 PM
Subject: [BBC-Micro] BBC B's and EBay UK...

> Madness...
> Does anyone keep track of Acorn BBC stuff for sale on EBay UK? I was
> just randomly flicking through listings (for general old computing
> items, not specifically Acorn) and saw a BBC B on there with an hour
> left and a current bid of 50 pounds...
> I very rarely look at EBay and have never bought or sold anything on
> there - but surely that can't be a typical price? There's nothing in the
> description that says this is anything other than a stock BBC. It
> doesn't mention the machine having any ROMs other than BASIC (and
> presumably OS!). No mention is made of the case condition - although if
> faded it *appears* to uniformly so from the photos.
> OK, so it comes with a dust cover - but surely those aren't that
> valuable? ;-)
> It's not even like standard BBC machines are hard to come by. What am I
> missing?
> (EBay UK doesn't let me see bid amounts under the bid history - is that
> just because I'm not a member, or have they removed what would appear to
> be a useful feature?)
> cheers
> Jules

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