Date : Sat, 26 Jun 2004 22:58:06 +0100
From : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: PC/Econet
In article <019401c456c0$c3137b80$0100a8c0@...>, Charles Blackburn
<charlesb@...> writes
>hmm interesting....the other thing I was thinking of was a pic ethernet <->
>econet i/f. eg the pic would hold the tcpip stack and translate between
ip and
>eco packets. would that work ?
I was going to say I doubt you'd get a TCP/IP stack into a PIC, but:
Don't forget the Linux kernel has Econet support. It might be possible
to build a Econet/Ethernet gateway using a cast-off 486 PC, using the
parallel port with some glue logic to drive a Master Econet module.
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