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Date   : Tue, 22 Jun 2004 15:55:28 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: CG Expo UK

On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 14:33, Chris Richardson wrote:
> Hi all
> On 24/25 July, Jeremy Grayson, Crispin Boylan and myself are going to the CG
> Expo UK to hold up the flag for the gaming side of the BBC computer.

I might see you there. The museum's got some space there, but I'm not
sure if I'll be personally going along yet or not - I try and avoid ever
going anywhere near London if at all possible :-)

I toyed with the idea of getting the scrolling message stuff together
for the event, but as I only get a few mins here and there to pick at it
at present it's probably unlikely. 

I wish there was more idea of what people were planning on bringing so
that there's less chance of duplication. Every man and their dog will be
hauling Pong consoles and the like along I imagine, plus I would not be
at all surprised to see several BBC machines (plus Spectrums, C64s and
all the other common 8-bitters).

It'd be all too easy to bring stuff which is very cool, yet unrelated to
gaming! (Which may be what the museum ends up doing to be honest - I
can't imagine any of the consoles and whatnots which we have won't be
represented elsewhere). Maybe we can haul a big mini of some description

Oh, make sure you have Frak! running will you? I haven't seen that in
years and have happy memories of it...



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