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Date   : Mon, 21 Jun 2004 15:58:56 +0100
From   : "Charles Blackburn" <charlesb@...>
Subject: Re: Ethernet for the BBC (Was: PC/Econet)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eelco Huininga" <e.huininga@...>
>Hi Charles,
>It is possible to hook an ethernet interface to the BBC, all you need
is an 8-bit ethernet controller. The most likely possibility is the
Crystal Semiconductors >CS8900A
(http://www.cirrus.com/en/products/pro/detail/P46.html) or the Realtec
Semiconductors RTL8019AS (http://www.ethernut.de/pdf/8019asds.pdf). I
>believe that the RTL8019AS can use interrupts in 8-bit mode, while the
CS8900A can't.
>Check http://www.embeddedethernet.com, http://www.ethernut.de/,
http://www.6502.org/ or just search the internet for 'embedded ethernet'
and you'll get plenty >of examples and resources.
>I've been thinking about making an Econet-Ethernet bridge, based on one
of these ethernet controllers, a 65C02, an econet interface and some RAM
& ROM. >Shouldn't be too difficult, especially with the ready-made
ethernet module available at http://www.embeddedethernet.com/. If anyone
is interested in developing >hardware or software (TCP/IP stack etc.)
please let me know :-)

i've put this on list to get more ideas on how feasible it would be,
basically, what I was thinking was to use a pic with an old ISA card (i
have tons) which ahas already been done. then I would work out a way of
how econet works and maybe graft it onto the 1 meg bus or something like
that i'll be looking at those links so i'll keep this list posted. but
as I already have a pic ethernet combo somewhere in my "finished but not
finished" box, i was thinking going that way then the pic can handle the
econet stuff and what not that way it offloads most of the conversion
crap onto the pic from the beeb. The beeb would just see the pic as
econet h/w and the pic then would just echo everything in udp or ether
packets to whereever it needs to send it to.

Charles 'Thunder' Blackburn
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