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Date   : Sun, 20 Jun 2004 00:25:33 +0100 (BST)
From   : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: PC/Econet

On Jun 19, 21:43, Charles Blackburn wrote:

> This has probably been asked before, but has anyone ever thought
of/succeeded in creating an PC econet interface? or even a BBC ->
ethernet i/f? would have to be something simple like IPX as the tcpip
stack might not be feasible..

There are TCP/IP implementations for other 6502-based micros, so it's
not impossible.  There is also a PC card which supports Econet.  It's
called EcoLink, and it was made by Acorn.  They're moderately rare,

> My B hasnt got any econet h/w atm, can I retrofit it?

I'm sure some of the archives will have parts lists and instructions.
 It was available as an upgrade.  You might have difficulty getting the
75159 driver chip these days, though, and possibly the 68B54 ADLS chip.
 You'll also need an EPROM programmer and an image of the NFS or DNFS
ROM if you haven't already got an Acorn DNFS.  Once it's all fitted,
you'll need a clock box and terminators, and something to use as a file
server (an Archimedes with suitable software, or another Beeb with a
6502 2nd Processor is best).

An Econet upgrade is not the easiest thing to fit.  If you're not good
at soldering, get someone who is to do it.  It's not so bad on Issue 4
and 7 boards, but on Issues 2 and 3 there are tracks to be cut and some
wires to be added, and most of the resistors are mounted vertically.

I used to make a fair amount of money fixing failed Econet upgrades
which had been badly or incorrectly fitted by a certain ITeC.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York

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