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Date   : Wed, 16 Jun 2004 20:11:19 +0100
From   : "Charles Blackburn" <charlesb@...>
Subject: Re: BBC/atom/magazine scans

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "W.Scholten" <whs@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:16 AM
Subject: [BBC-Micro] BBC/atom/magazine scans

> Are back, see the link below. Thanks to Charles Blackburn for the
> space!

Your welcome

> The website move was actually useful for me, as I've been a bit bored
> with BBC stuff for the last year and wanted to spend less time on the
> website.
> So, I'm almost certainly not going to put back the rest of my old
> webpages, and I'm not going to make many updates. Maybe the pictures
> section could be put back, but if I do, then only with automatically
> generated html as with the scan section. I'd prefer not to though,
> if someone else wants to maintain that section? Text going with the
> images could also be added to html pages from text files, say named
> <imagefilename>.txt using a script.

I could always put an image gallery system up there that will do
auto-thumbnails so then that would save space.
Just a thought.

> For pictures, scans and software, a load distribution by using a
> BSD-like system of various people able to upload and update would be
> nice. This would require a single website with at least a couple of GB
> space for scans (size say 1600x1200, processed to remove most of the
> texture for grayscale images; I don't like B&W scans as these have
> jaggies...)

What you can do is to just some how send them to me and if any1 needs
them I can send them to them. That way there's a couple of us that are
around who have them. then as I free up space I can allocate more to the
site and eventually get them all up.

Charles "Thunder" Blackburn
Quake3 Co-Lead
The Team Sportscast Network - http://www.tsncentral.com
We call ALL The Shots

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