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Date   : Fri, 21 May 2004 20:27:50 +0100
From   : Richard Kilpatrick <oldcomputers@...>
Subject: Some of my collection on eBay,,,

Lack of time and money has lead me to decide to cut my hobbies, and 
it's the Acorns that are going. I've just put on eBay my Master 512 
system (fully complete with mouse/manuals etc.), Domesday system, 
Master Turbo with Beebug C and Exmon plus complete original Elite, and 
BBC B+ 128K with Z80 wedge.

I don't have the URL to hand, but searching on Master 512 will find 
them ;)

My ABC-310 will be finding a home by other means, as I was given it, 
and it still needs a lot of work - all I have done is fit an HD to it. 
I will probably keep my ACW. Various archies will be found homes for if 
I decide I don't want them, but clearing out the older systems gives me 
a room back and I can move again. If anyone has an interest in an A540 
with FPU and 16Mb RAM let me know.


RichardK/PB G4.
Acorn, Atari, Apple.


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