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Date   : Thu, 20 May 2004 11:41:09 +0100
From   : Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
Subject: Re: BBC pages

gARetH baBB wrote:

> On Thu, 20 May 2004, Mark Usher wrote:
> > Not at all. No one should be removed for something that pertains to
> > outside of this list. Would you advocate that someone be removed from
> > the list
> Considering the comments Mr Thornley is presumably upset by were made
> on this list, then the list *is* involved.
> > Now STOP all this bickering. KEEP it OFF the list and lets hear NO
> > MORE. 99% of us are FED UP with it.
> At which point did you perform this vote ?


I echo Mark's sentiments, and was going to say much the same a few days
ago, and then decided not to, hoping that it might just die down.

You claim the list "is involved", but this is only because Wouter chose
to air his dirty laundry in it in the first place.

I don't consider Wouter and Chris's feud to be any of my business, and
nor am I interested.  Get some perspective people - it's one piece of
negative Ebay feedback over a £5 sale for crying out loud.  Any
sympathies I may have had for either party have long since waned.

And, no, I don't advocate removing *anyone* from the list - Chris hasn't
offended *me*, nor I suspect most of the other people here.


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