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Date   : Thu, 20 May 2004 10:30:53 +0100 (BST)
From   : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: Aries B32 CPU plug

On May 19, 11:04, Jules Richardson wrote:
> Is the black lookalike 40 pin chip socket on the underside of the
> B32 board removable from the metal extension pins that hang below the
> board?
> I can't tell if that's a normal IC socket and the long metal pins
> into it, or if it's a custom thing and the metal pins actually extend
> through the black plastic carrier.

If it's what I think it is (I don't have an Aries board) then no, it's
all one piece.  If the pins are broken, the best replacement is a stack
of turned-pin sockets.  Or you might be able to fit a single turned-pin
socket to the bottom of the existing device, and solder-bridge it to
whichever pins are broken.

> I've got several of the boards, but a couple of them have broken pins
> I've got plenty of spare regular 40-pin IC sockets, but nothing that
> resembles those long pins. I don't want to try levering the 40 pin IC
> socket off the long pins if it's actually a complete unit :-)

It is a standard (but uncommon) device.  You used to be able to get
them from Farnell and RS.

> Signs I have too much Acorn stuff - I thought I had two Atoms but
> found three. I have no idea where the third one came from! :-/

The third one must be mine ;-)

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York

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