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Date   : Mon, 10 May 2004 14:00:16 +0200 (CEST)
From   : c.j.thornley@...
Subject: Re: Disk-on-Chip

With an unfriendly response like this you deserve negative feedback.
Please keep you comments away from this group. As what you do in your spare
 time should not be brought in here. It=92s not called for.


> Message date : May 09 2004, 11:39 PM
> From : "W.Scholten" 
> To : bbc-micro@...
> Copy to : 
> Subject : Re: [BBC-Micro] Disk-on-Chip
> Chris Thornley wrote:
> > I found these by accident! I am not to sure about there availability in
> > UK but could these possibly be used in some way for the BBC?
> Why don't you get a clue, find out, then put it on the mailing list if
> it can!
> In case anyone thinks I'm unfriendly, no I'm not, because this dimwit
> found it necessary to give me a negative on ebay for a fully tested SWR
> module of which I said:
> "This module is of use if you have a defective one in your BBC micro or
> as an upgrade from 16K (or as a spare)"
> Also included loads of software, fully tested, a snip at 5 quid. I did
> not say it included a base, and I expressly stated this was for a
> machine that had SWR (defective or 16K)! He complained it didn't include
> the base...
> But as I'm just too friendly in selling stuff (I usually give tips,
> extra stuff people might like etc), I asked what he wanted in case he
> felt cheated. No response. Can't even wait a bit to make sure the
> description is ok, but that you made a wrong assumption, can you? What
> the hell do I do the effort of selling it for?
> Well Mr. I can't read and I can't see no images, get a clue or get lost!
> And that goes not just for your latest post, but some of your previous
> ones as well, and especially for your quoting. Or rather, the lack of
> it, the top posting etc.
> Oh yeah, don't bother responding yourself. I will trash your emails.
> Regards,
> Wouter
> -- 
> BBC/atom/old magazine scans etc:
> http://www.astro.livjm.ac.uk/~bbc/


Whatever you Wanadoo:

This email has been checked for most known viruses - find out more at: http

<P><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">With an unfriendly r
esponse like this you deserve negative feedback.<?xml:namespace prefix =
o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Please keep you comm
ents away from this group. As what you do in your spare time should not be
brought in here. It=92s not called for.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
000 2px solid">&gt; Message date : May 09 2004, 11:39 PM<BR>&gt; From : "W.
Scholten" <WHS@...      ><BR>&gt; To : bbc-micro@cloud9.co.uk<BR>&gt; Copy
to : <BR>&gt; Subject : Re: [BBC-Micro] Disk-on-Chip<BR>&gt; Chris Thornley
 wrote:<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; &gt; I found these by accident! I am not to sure a
bout there availability in the<BR>&gt; &gt; UK but could these possibly be
used in some way for the BBC?<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Why don't you get a clue, fi
nd out, then put it on the mailing list if<BR>&gt; it can!<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt;
 In case anyone thinks I'm unfriendly, no I'm not, because this dimwit<BR>&
gt; found it necessary to give me a negative on ebay for a fully tested SWR
<BR>&gt; module of which I said:<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; "This module is of use if
 you have a defective one in your BBC micro or<BR>&gt; as an upgrade from 1
6K (or as a spare)"<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Also included loads of software, fully
 tested, a snip at 5 quid. I did<BR>&gt; not say it included a base, and I
expressly stated this was for a<BR>&gt; machine that had SWR (defective or
16K)! He complained it didn't include<BR>&gt; the base...<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt;
But as I'm just too friendly in selling stuff (I usually give tips,<BR>&gt;
 extra stuff people might like etc), I asked what he wanted in case he<BR>&
gt; felt cheated. No response. Can't even wait a bit to make sure the<BR>&g
t; description is ok, but that you made a wrong assumption, can you? What<B
R>&gt; the hell do I do the effort of selling it for?<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Well
 Mr. I can't read and I can't see no images, get a clue or get lost!<BR>&gt
; And that goes not just for your latest post, but some of your previous<BR
>&gt; ones as well, and especially for your quoting. Or rather, the lack of
<BR>&gt; it, the top posting etc.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Oh yeah, don't bother re
sponding yourself. I will trash your emails.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Rega
rds,<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Wouter<BR>&gt; -- <BR>&gt; BBC/atom/old magazine scan
s etc:<BR>&gt; http://www.astro.livjm.ac.uk/~bbc/<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt;
 </BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR><hr size="1">Whatever you <a href="http://www.wan
adoo.co.uk/time/" target="_blank">Wanadoo</a><br><br>This email has been
checked for most known viruses - find out more <a href="http://www.wanado
o.co.uk/help/id/7098.htm" target="_blank">here</a>

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