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Date   : Wed, 28 Apr 2004 14:35:37 +0100 (BST)
From   : gARetH baBB <hick.bbc@...>
Subject: Re: 65c02

On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Pete Turnbull wrote:

> There shouldn't be any difference in that regard bettween Issue 4 and
> Issue 7.  However different makes of 65C02 may behave differently (as
> well as having different changes to the opcode set), and they all have

I only have Rockwell ones, the 65c02 I initially tried used to run CCl4
many years ago - in an issue 4 board I've just removed it from.

One of the other P2s (a 86 vintage, rather than the 89 vintage I first
tried ...) I've got works ok in this Issue 7 board - I tried replacing the
245 first, but the original one in the board works the best anyway.

I'm glad it didn't come down to my P3, I want to save that as a second
processor spare.

> Make sure the video ULA has an effective heatsink if it's a Ferranti ULA
> rather than a VTI video processor (which needs no heatsink); this

The VTI does get noticably warm though - I'm wondering if a heatsink would
be a nice thing anyway, if only to prolong life on something which could
be hard to replace.

I do have spare Ferrantis though.

As an aside, for some reason one of the machines I've just dismantled had
Acorn Speech chip set (98 and 99) in and I'm intrigued enough to make at
least a few noises out of them - now I know issue 4s and 7s didn't need
any mods for speech, but I can't get it to work, it doesn't require the
ashtray wiring up for some odd reason does it ?

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