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Date   : Mon, 05 Apr 2004 22:15:53 +0200 (BST)
From   : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: MDFS incomplete startup

Hi all,

Sorry to still bather you all.
I'm not making any progress in accessing the MDFS. 

On Sat 27 Mar, Johan Heuseveldt wrote:
> On Sat 27 Mar, Mark Usher wrote:
> > 
> > Have you changed anything on the computers connected to the network?


> Somehow I have been able to setup a serial connection, using 'Terminal' on
> the Master. The MDFS reports itself as:
>   SRL's Portable Monitor v0.92
> and is responding. Some things foud are:
>  D  :  dump memory
>  M  :  memoryeditor, but found no way out of it
>  Q  :  just shows two zeroos on the next line
>  U  :  (alone) puts all the LEDs on (except 'No Clock' of course)
>         but needs a reset on the MDFS [*]
>         'U <whatwever> works, and control could come back after pressing CR
>  E  :  puts an '}' directly after the E, and MDFS needs a reset

> So far I haven't found any documentation for this interface.

So I visit the 'Econet Enthousiasts Erea' again and looked for the
description 'Gainig access to an MDFS' at the 'MDFS' paragraph:

Used that to get inspired to create serial link. Then using the 'Terminal'
software on the Master; at last some use for it now!

In the above mentioned html document, it is suggested that a menu should
appear. The same menu as when using the 'Fast' cmnd/prog. But this is not
happening. When searching for the command to get the menu I stumbled on
some letters that do something like D for Dump, which I reported on in my
post from 27th March.

Last week I put some efforts in rebuilding FileStore. I couldn't get the
correct battery, and decided to use one which was available: 60mAh.

After finishing FileStore I was at least able to try out the simple
network I'm using, which is ok. Knowing that, I tried MDFS again, but
without success as the result is the same, leaving me with a slow
flashing LED 'Discs Free'. So back to the serial connection.

Trying again a single character at the time, I was using the equal; '=',
and the following was the output:

  AF   BC   DE   HL   IX   IY   PC   SP 
 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

No doubt anyone can see they are most likely the Z80 register contents.
So I have the feeling this is a some monitor software.
Does this ring a bell at someone's, or is it unknown too?

Still nothing found to get the ('Fast') menu.

Johan, feeling lonely

Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place
You can observe a lot by watching.

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