Date : Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:34:35 +0100
From : tom@...
Subject: Re: Aspect ratio question
On 31 Mar 2004 at 12:29, Thomas Harte wrote:
> My original question was "am I right in thinking that the display modes
0,1,2,4 and 5 (3 and 6 being a small
> amount shorter, of course) should produce a display approximately 1.14
times as wide as tall?", the stuff about
> what this means with a 1024x768 display was merely incidental. And I
don't think it is 1.14 anymore, I now
> believe that the display should be 45/38ths as wide as tall (as a natural
result of the calculations already
> posted). Which is somewhere a little over 1.18.
Mode 4 on a BBC gives a 9.25" x 7.75" display on my TV, give or take
a few mm, which is 1.193:1, so it sounds like you are close.