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Date   : Sun, 28 Mar 2004 22:23:42 +0100
From   : "Chris Thornley" <C.J.Thornley@...>
Subject: Re: MDFS incomplete startup

I think I have what you are looking for but information a little unclear.
The serial BBC RS232 is used to link too printers but according to Chapter 7
: Utility Mode it claim that there is a command *FAST.

This can either be on a supplied ROM or be present as a program on the
fileserver in the FS Directory I think. You can us this command to format
and recover from a hard drive failure and set settings.

I believe if you don't have this in rom, which I don't, you have you will
have to use it from the boot floppies. I think you can copy it to a floppy
off the fileserver.

The Chapters a bit involved I could OCR it for you if interested.

My manual mentions something about a tape drive which I don't have. Either
it was chucked out before I got the item or it broke but nobody seems to
know anything and a lot of items where skipped before I was employed at the
place. Does anyone know if an ordinary tape drive could do as I have an old
QIC drive lying around with some spare tapes?

I think it might be a good idea to get the data off the hard disk before it
fails or so other people could have a backup. Anyone got a suggestion as I
have no econnect machine or Archimedes with econnect. Could I access the
scsi disk using a PC SCSI card and somehow block read it or copy files off
it and recreate its directory structure.

Also I have not fired this unit up yet as I am missing a few things like a
clock and an econncet equipped machine. When I fire it up I wont know any
off the passwords or what state it will be in. Is there any method any one
knows to gain full access to the unit? The people who use to use it have
either forgotten, don't know or don't work at my of place of work any more.

I'll check out that website to see what I can find.


               />      Christopher J. Thornley is cjt@...
  (           //------------------------------------------------------,
 (*)OXOXOXOXO(*>=*=O=S=U=0=3=6=*=---------                             >
  (           \\------------------------------------------------------'
               \>       Home Page :-http://www.coolrose.fsnet.co.uk
-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Johan Heuseveldt
Sent: 28 March 2004 16:42
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] MDFS incomplete startup

Hi Chris,

On Sun 28 Mar, Chris Thornley wrote:
> Hi,
> The discruption is as follows

[snip: accurate discription of the two boxes]

> Serial Number : MDFS 3175

Mine is 2198

> I have had a look around and I had previously tkaen the manual home 
> with some books I have found
> Manual is white ring bound "SJ research" in Black bottom right.
> "File Server Manager's Gude" on spine

Yep, same here.

> The manual has a loose pages on "SJ research Despooler Software"

I have two of those manuals, and are slightly different to each other.
Together they have several different issue numbers for the various different
chapters. In general the main parts are from 1987 and 1998.

There is a line or two about the serial interface, but that's all. Do you
have anything more specific on the terminal commands for this interface?


> I have a key for the unit but no software disks so I presume it doe 
> snto need any. The hardrive might contain software but as I have no 
> econnet I have no way to rescue the software from it.

Yes, the hard disc contains all the software you need, including the File
Server programme.

Have you already visited 'EEA'?

    Econet Enthusiasts Area <http://www.heyrick.co.uk/econet/>

You'll find some details there about this beauty.


Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place
Always be aware of the phase of the moon!

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