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Date   : Sun, 28 Mar 2004 17:36:41 +0100
From   : "Chris Thornley" <C.J.Thornley@...>
Subject: Re: MDFS incomplete startup

The discruption is as follows
2 Metal cased units with black fronts and back. 14inches by 18inches by

The main unit has a white line above left has the word SJ Research and above
right MDFS

Under the line on the left hand side is a button which is square and says
"Release Discs"
Light to right of this are
Discs Free (Yellow)
Utlity Mode (Yellow)
Parallel Printing (Yellow)
Serial prining (Yellow)
No Clock (Red)
System Error (Red)
Power (Green)
On LIne (Green)

To the far right is a key switch which says "Off, Secure, System" with the
message "WARNING Release Disks Before Switching Off"

Ports on the back from left to right are

DC Fuse 5A Slow Blow
Expansion Box Connector 9pin din
2 Molex BBC Disk Drive Power Sockets
Parallel Printer
Drives A & B
Drives C & D (Floppy Disc signal Connectors)
SCSI Bus Connector (Hard Disc)

SJ Research Liimited 108 Mill Road Cambridge CB1 2BD Tel (0223) 69927 Made
in England

Box 2 The Expansion Box
Has "SJ Research"
Nothng Fitted to the left bay 
A Winchester with two red light fitted to the right most bay
Back of the Unit has
A 9 Pin lead (D type Connector) Male
9pin D Type socket Female
SCSI Ribbon Cable probally 50 pin
IDC Socket with same numer of pins.

Serial Number : MDFS 3175

I have had a look around and I had previously tkaen the manual home with
some books I have found

Manual is white ring bound "SJ research" in Black bottom right.

"File Server Manager's Gude" on spine

The manual has a loose pages on "SJ research Despooler Software"
A Maintainece contract application form
S.J.U.G  S.J. Research User Group invitation to join sheet
Contact are to a Humphrey Berridge or Alistair Shimmin March 1986
The rest is the manual "MDFS software version 0.AA Release Notes"
"SJ Research Modular Disc File Sever Manual Release 1.00 - 29th April 1987

Theres and address change in the manual to 
1 Coldhams Lane
(0223) 461406

I have a key for the unit but no software disks so I presume it doe snto
need any. The hardrive might contain software but as I have no econnet I
have no way to rescue the software from it.


               />      Christopher J. Thornley is cjt@...
  (           //------------------------------------------------------,
 (*)OXOXOXOXO(*>=*=O=S=U=0=3=6=*=---------                             >
  (           \\------------------------------------------------------'
               \>       Home Page :-http://www.coolrose.fsnet.co.uk
-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Philip Blundell
Sent: 27 March 2004 23:15
To: Chris Thornley
Cc: 'Johan Heuseveldt'; bbc-micro@...
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] MDFS incomplete startup

That's a bit strange.  I thought that the only "level 3" servers were badged
Acorn FileStore, not SJ.

Can you describe the machine a bit more?  How big is it, and what does it
have printed on the front?


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