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Date   : Sat, 27 Mar 2004 20:06:01 +0100 (GMT)
From   : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: MDFS incomplete startup

Hi Mark,

On Sat 27 Mar, Mark Usher wrote:
> Have you changed anything on the computers connected to the network?

No, nothing at all. It was switched on in exactly the same state as it was
used before and the last shut down.

> Are termination values OK ?

I don't use terminators other than the internal ones on the machines in use.
If the network is smaller than ten meters, no external termination is
necessary. That's an Acorn remark from somewhere out of the documentation,
probably FileStore.
Mine is about 3 meters. A Master 128 at one side, the SJResearch Econet
Bridge at the other and the MDFS in between (but not in the middle: the
two cables are about 2m and 1m).

It's more like a testing setup. Always worked, even with simple telephone
wires which are not twisted and not shielded. I use ready-made audio cables.
Short Y-adapters at all the machines are used for 'wiring through', except
the two on both ends. In this case only the MDFS is fitted with it.

And all of this haven't been changed. Of course all is checked tens of times.

Somehow I have been able to setup a serial connection, using 'Terminal' on
the Master. The MDFS reports itself as:

  SRL's Portable Monitor v0.92

and is responding. Some things foud are:

 D  :  dump memory
 M  :  memoryeditor, but found no way out of it
 Q  :  just shows two zeroos on the next line
 U  :  (alone) puts all the LEDs on (except 'No Clock' of course)
        but needs a reset on the MDFS [*]

        'U <whatwever> works, and control could come back after pressing CR
 E  :  puts an '}' directly after the E, and MDFS needs a reset

 [*] Luckily I found a reset connection, close to the battery, which prevent
      me from switching off/on the MDFS again and again and...

So far I haven't found any documentation for this interface.

BTW :  SRL = SJ Research Labority (Laborities)?
             ^  ^        ^


Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place
Help the police: beat yourself up.

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