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Date   : Sun, 29 Feb 2004 14:35:52 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Filestore E01 dismantling...

Anyone have any idea how to take a Filestore E01 apart? :-)

It's the same style box as the Master Compact floppy unit, although the
case is grey rather than beige and there's a front hinged cover over the
twin 3.5" floppy drives. 

I assume there's an IDE or SCSI drive inside (although given the
"filestore bus" connector at the back, maybe any hard disks are supposed
to be in seperate units). If I could get the #&$%*" case apart I'd know
for sure ;)

I don't want to break any of the plastic front, rear or side mouldings
trying to get them off, but removing the three screws down each side of
the underneath doesn't appear to allow anything to lift off, unclip, or
slide around so I figure there must be some trick to unclipping the
plastic bits somehow.

The unit came from Acorn's own works collection, so it's just possible
it was a prototype unit rather than a runner - there's certainly no dust
or marks on it and the shipping wedges for the floppy drives are in
place - although the serial number doesn't lead me to believe that it
was the first (or first few) of anything. Curious that it's grey in
colour - much nicer than the usual beige!



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