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Date   : Sat, 28 Feb 2004 22:49:37 +0000
From   : Steve Inglis <asnf37@...>
Subject: Re: Sick Z80 Second Processor

On 28/2/04 9:40 pm, "Pete Turnbull" <pete@...> wrote:

> On Feb 28, 10:56, Steve Inglis wrote:
>>     I have a sickly second processor and I believe that I have track
> this
>> down to the tube cable. I've went an bought an IDE cable and it seems
> to
>> fit. I'm now trying to fit the IDE cable to the second processor
> board and
>> the bayonet type connects aren't taking.  My first instinct is that
> pushing
>> harder is probably a bad thing.
> Yes, it probably is :-)
> I'm slightly puzzled that you wrote "fit the IDE cable to the second
> processor board".  All the normal second-processor boards have the
> ribbon cable attached to a transition connector which is soldered to
> the second processor printed circit board.  The cable is not removable
> from the second processor end.  Only the BBC end of the cable has a
> header to plug into a connector.  If your cable is completely
> removable, it's most likely that someone has modified the second
> processor board.

It seems despite myself I haven't been clear.  I had to remove the original
cable completely because of a number of broken strands.  The transition
connector on the processor card has v shaped metal brackets which were
pushed through the old cable, then a cover. I'm trying to push the new cable
onto these so that they penetrate the new cable but it wont push through the

Do I need to remove this transition connector from the board to fit the new
cable. Is there a method for placing the cable and having it penetrated
without having to remove the connector?

I've checked the cable and it definitely has 40 cores, the IDE connector
also has 2 rows of 20 holes with no filled in hole near the middle, in
either of the two female connectors.

I've uploaded a picture but its not the clearest but the close ups that I
have are really blurry.  http://www.bcde.demon.co.uk/0.jpg



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